Air filtration / Filtermedien

Filter cartridges for dust collectors / Filterpatronen für Staubabscheider
We supply industrial filter cartridges for all dust collector types ranging from silo-top collectors, horizontally mounted cartridge collectors, pleated bag collectors, vertically mounted cartridge collectors, flat cell filter collector. We supply customized filters or standard filters for replacement.
With a range of more than 4.000 different filters and 25+ types of high-quality filter media, the portfolio provides air filtration solutions for various industries and dust types, including abrasive, toxic and explosive dust.
We provide replacement filters suitable for Donaldson, Camfil, Clarcor, Esta, Keller, Herding, Hengst, Scheuch, Mahle, Kemper, Intensiv Filter, WamGroup and other dust collectors.* We specialize in dust and fumes from cement, metal/aluminum, food & beverages, woodwork, chemicals, powder coating, plasma/laser cutting, sandblasting, textiles, welding and casting.
In addition to that, we offer customized filter solutions and manufacture exclusive cartridge design for OEMs. Our filter cartridges are certified according to DIN60335-2-69 and EN779.
Egal ob Staubabscheider für Siloköpfe, Abschneider mit horizontal oder vertikal eingebauten Patronen, Lamellenfilterabscheider, Abscheider für Flachzellenfilter oder hochindividuelle Abschneideranforderungen: Wir liefern zuverlässig Industriefilterpatronen in Maßanfertigung und Ersatzfilter für Standardausführungen.
Die Produktpalette umfasst mehr als 4.000 verschiedene Filter sowie über 25 hochwertige Filtermedien, sodass wir Filterlösungen für verschiedene Industriezweige und Staubarten anbieten können, unter anderem für abrasiven, toxischen und explosiven Staub.
Wir haben uns auf die Luftfilterung von Staub und Rauchgasen der Branchen Zement, Metall/Aluminium, Nahrungsmittel & Getränke, Holz, Chemie, Pulverbeschichtung, Plasma-/Laserschneiden, Sandstrahlen, Textil, Schweißen und Gießen spezialisiert.
Außerdem liefern wir maßgeschneiderte Filterlösungen und fertigen spezielle Patronenausführungen für Erstausrüster. Unsere Filterpatronen sind nach DIN60335-2-69 und EN779 zertifiziert.
Bag Filters / Taschenfilter
Bag filter is composed of several filter bags. The individual bags, made of micro-fibreglass fleece, have been shaped so as to provide wedge-shaped filter bags. The spacers in the individual filter bags ensure complete utilization of the full bag depth and, in turn, of the entire filter surface. The spacer seam is sealed. The ready-to-install filter bags are secured to sturdy U-shaped profile frames (25 mm) by clamp fittings.
High efficiency submicron particulate air (HEPA) filters consist of special, paper-like fleece made of superfine micro-glass fibres that have different filtration and air-flow capacity depending on the filter class.
The filter fleece is processed to form a stable package of folds; number and height of folds are designed for maximize product life and to match the optimal rated operating points and long service intervals.
The individual folds are separated down to the entire depth by continuous synthetic threads (hot melt) that are bonded together, which provides great stability and even thread runs as a result of the compact fold structure.
The packages of folds are cast airtight in robust frames. A number of different framing material is available:
- MDF, Plywood, Aluminium, Galvanized steel, Stainles steel
High temperature (HT) filters
HT filter cartridges are made of deep-folded fleece of paper-type microfibers. The position of warehouses is stabilized by:
- corrugated aluminum separators (versions F, T, H, E, G, S)
- the warehouses are separated by strips of filter material
- separators are designed for air flow on both sides.
The filter element is dry-inserted into a riveted filter frame made of galvanized sheet metal or stainless steel equipped with protective grille on both sides. None of the materials used contain silicone, which meets the requirements of surface technologies, and all are thermally stable up to at least 250 ° C. The filter inserts are equipped with a circumferential sealing tape made of glass fiber. The design flange has a thickness of 25 mm. All MultiTherm filter inserts are equipped with a protective grille as standard (galvanized sheet steel, optionally stainless steel).
Compact & Panel Filters / Kompakt- & Paneelfilter
Compact filters are made of micro glass paper which is pleated into folds to form extremely stable filter packs. The number and height of the pleats are optimally designed to match the operationg conditons of the filter element.
Carbon Filters / Aktivkohlefilter
Activated charcoal cartridges are inserted into mounting frames of air handling units. The cartridges guarantee a large contact surface in combination with a small approach flow cross section. They are replaceable as well as regenerable. The cartridges are employed in technical systems for air conditioning to adsorb harmful gases and smelling substances.